Answer #1: We already have a great start in what happened recently in the Virginia, New Jersey and New York races. Then came the "Massachusetts Massacre". Without the Tea Party and other Patriot initiatives, none of those would have occurred. So, don't feel as though our efforts have been wasted.
Answer #2: DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT allow these sweet victories (yes, I count New York as a victory as well) to cause us to let up...not for an instant. Do everything you can to identify, support and campaign for (if appropriate) Patriotic, Unabashedly-Pro-American, Principled, Constitutionalists who understand that document and will stand by it by subjecting ALL proposals and legislation through the prism that is the US CONSTITUTION. If it fails that test, the vote must be, "NO"!
Answer #3: Get involved in the selection process for candidates at the precinct level. This strategy (The Precinct Strategy) has already produced some tangible results and is helping to propel the "right" candidates to become nominated. Details at:
Answer #4: No matter which Patriot Group(s) you are currently affiliated with, there is one group that ALL Patriots should join. The group is called, "Freedom Force USA": www.FreedomForce.US
Freedom Force seeks to "UNIFY" all other Patriot group factions.
More info:
The ultimate goals of this Patriot movement, in my view, must be:
A. Replace ALL incumbents, except those who have demonstrated a commitment to the values and principles that have made this nation the envy of the world, AS OUTLINED BY THE US CONSTITUTION!
B. Subject ALL would-be candidates to the one litmus test that makes sense--The US CONSTITUTION! Anyone who has not, or cannot, unwaveringly uphold, support, and defend that document is unworthy to hold ANY PUBLIC OFFICE in this great nation of ours--PERIOD! And I mean from dog-catcher on up!
Think about this: What would this country be like if all of our Senators and Representatives subjected every piece of legislation to that one document?
So, the question that has to be answered is: "How do I find such a candidate and how will I vet him or her? "
Fortunately, that part is being taken care of by a Patriot Group known as "ICaucus" or the "Independence Caucus". They have a very in depth educational arm as well as a vetting process that has already vetted, or is in the process of vetting, dozens of candidates around the nation.
These three initiatives are now working in unison, in sort of a symbiotic relationship that I believe is, at least PART of, the answer.
The subject of this email, Judge Don Lowery for Congress....special election, Illinois, has been vetted and endorsed by ICaucus. Mark Kirk is the front runner, and the choice of the Republican party establishment...and Kirk is currently a Representative who voted for TARP and was one of only 8 Republicans to vote for Cap and Trade which you may recall passed by only 7 votes.
This special election, is only days away (Feb 2nd). See the article below for tips on what you can do.
Folks, we have the capacity to wield tremendous power in ANY election process...if we are informed, committed, and all pulling in the same direction. Let's send another message, not only to Washington, but to the GOP leadership as well. "We are sick and tired of 'Liberal-Lite'. If you can't provide us with suitable candidates...we'll supply our own".
For Immediate Release
Please read the information below from Illinois Caucus
Our entire push this year is to get the RIGHT candidates in office. They have vetted and approved with stellar recommendations, Judge Don Lowery for Congress....special election
The Republican Party has endorsed a candidate that voted on Tarp and Cap and Trade. He refused to be vetted by the Illinois Caucus. Please do your own research, but if you want to make a difference in this vote: take action. We only have 11 days!
Independence Caucus
A Citizen's movement to take back government from "Big Money" Interests groups
A message to all members of Independence Caucus
Greetings to all members:
I-caucus has a Horse in the Illinois Race and he needs your help !!!
This past weekend, Illinois I-caucus members endorsed Judge Don Lowery in Illinois and I am excited to see such a stellar candidate emerge from the vetting process.
Here's problem #1: Mark Kirk is the front runner, and the choice of the Republican party establishment...and Kirk is currently a Representative who voted for TARP and was one of only 8 Republicans to vote for Cap and Trade which you may recall passed by only 7 votes.
Here's problem #2: There are several challengers who are all currently splitting votes amongst themselves which is working to Mark Kirk's advantage
Here's problem #3: A lot of media types, even some of the Fox News media types, are touting Patrick Hughes as the "tea party" or "grass roots" candidate...but Hughes is not the true fiscally responsible constitutional candidate in this race!
OK, so now Here's SOLUTION #1: YOU are the solution!
Beginning Right Now today, we need every I-caucus member to do whatever they can to spread the word about Judge Lowery in Illinois.
WE have 11 days and 11 days only!
1 - Email anyone and everyone you know in Illinois about Judge Lowery and our endorsement.
2 - Post on blogs and comment sections anywhere and everywhere you can about Judge Lowery...especially if you see posts that are supporting anyone else.
3 - You have info above on Mark Kirk..."TARP" and "Cap and trade" are sufficient to write him off. Make sure Illinois voters know about it!
4 - Here's some important info for you, because we must let grass roots activists and the media know that Hughes is NOT the right choice and NOT the choice of grassroots tea party members in Illinois:
A) Patrick Hughes would not agree to go through our vetting process, despite repeated attempts by local members to get him to do so and despite a personal email plea I sent to his campaign manager explaining who we are and that we wanted to help keep Kirk out of office.
B) This is huge: The Illinois Conservative Network, a respected grassroots group, just switched their endorsement on January 15th away from Patrick Hughes...and over to our endorsed candidate Judge Lowery:
C) As reported by our friends over at ResistNet, Tea Party members of Kane County (KCAP) which is home to Ililnois' 2nd largest city have endorsed Lowery over Hughes:
D) The Southern Illinois Tea party has vetted and approved Lowery over hughes AND they announced yesterday (Jan. 21st) that "there are groups looking to come into Illinois and capitalize on the tea party movement. They are trying to speak for us and to push a
candidate (Hughes) that we have seen in person and have rejected."
E) Our friends at the are reporting that the Illinois State Rifle Association has endorsed Judge Lowery:
f) and then the Gun owners of America endorsed Judge Lowery:
5 - Here's some good info about Judge Lowery:
You tube about Judge Lowery: