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Friday, April 16, 2010

What's Wrong With America?

For most of last year, I carried a sign to various Tea Party events. It read, “2010 is Coming...Congress, Start Packing”. Of course, I'll now have to update that to read, “2010 is HERE...Congress Start Packing”. But I digress. The point is that we have to follow through on that message. We must issue pink slips to EVERY SINGLE ONE of our elected Representatives in Congress—Or do we?

Since the inception of the Tea Party and other Patriot movements, there have been (and still are) several initiatives based entirely on this concept. “Get Out Of Our House” (GOOOH) and “Kick Them All Out”, come to mind. Their rallying cry is essentially, “FIRE EVERY ONE OF THEM”--and with good reason. Many of our Representatives have shown themselves to be totally unworthy to hold elective for one ill-conceived, boneheaded, unconstitutional initiative after another. But not all of them!

I think it's a mistake to send EVERY SINGLE MEMBER to the unemployment line. There are some true Patriots in Congress who are, and have been, fighting the good fight...right along with us. Who can forget Rep Michelle Bachman's impassioned speech on the House floor in which she described our current government as a, “Gangster Government”? Throw her out? That would be shameful.

But then, there are those who have shown by their actions, their votes, and their words, that they are against the American people. THESE ARE THE ONES WE MUST RETIRE! But how do we know who they are?

Well, here's a thought. Why not identify those members of Congress most responsible for our current state of affairs—AS WELL AS— for most of the other Marxist, socialist, communist and unconstitutional initiatives of the last 100 years? Can it be done? Can we know who these people are? Well, to coin a phrase, YES, WE CAN!

In fact, I'm not only going to tell you how to readily identify these people—those who would destroy this nation—BUT ALSO—what to do about it.

So, who are they, and how do we identify them? Let's begin with “Who They Are”. In general terms, quite simply, they are Marxists, Socialists, and/or Communists and have been around for over 100 years, dating back to the time of Woodrow Wilson, for all practical purposes.

They hide their true natures because they know they cannot win national elections by running openly as far leftists. The Socialist and Communist Parties of America tried to do so early in the 20th century, but failed—repeatedly! So, they hijacked one of the already established political parties, the Democrat party.

Since they realize how distasteful the old descriptive terms were to most Americans (socialists, communists, etc.), today, they go by the more “gentle” term, “PROGRESSIVES”. Yes, the so-called Progressives of today were yesterday's communists and socialists. However, their goals remain the same. Only the name was changed to protect the truly guilty.

Think about it. Both Clinton and Obama ran as moderates, talking about “conservative” issues, like Tax Cuts, Free Markets, etc. However, once elected, they reverted to form, and began governing from the far left.

Now that we know, “Who They Are” and what their true nature is like, how do we identify them? Well, this is actually the easy part. Simply look at how they vote, and listen to what they say. They are against the very people they're supposed to represent and they generally support legislation that is clearly unconstitutional, and NOT representative of the American people. Specifically:

- They propose legislation and vote against the interests of the American people (Healthcare, Immigration, Cap & Tax, Cardcheck, The Fairness Doctrine, etc.).
- They have little regard for the US Constitution and are relentlessly attempting to destroy it. In furthering their agenda, they champion social causes that SEEM to be ok...causes that a significant number of people might deem to be “needed”, but that are clearly unconstitutional. But, that's never an issue for these folks because the US Constitution, to them, is a “flawed”, and “outdated” document, written for another time. According to them, we've evolved, and grown beyond the “constraints” of the Constitution.
- They speak in terms of economic and social inequality and justice, which provides cover for their redistributive schemes.
- They have never met a tax they didn't like (especially a tax on the so-called rich).
- And, because they can't reveal their true intentions, they are also inclined to tell whoppers while campaigning! Obama: “95% of Americans won't see their taxes go up one dime”. A LIE! Or, “I support free markets”. ANOTHER LIE!

But let's get even more specific. Where do we find these people?

I am ashamed to admit that some are found in the Republican Party, or are Independents. However, most of these people reside within the Democrat Party as part of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), which is the largest caucus within the Democrat Party in the US Congress. It has 83 declared members, who work to advance progressive issues and positions.

The CPC was founded in 1991 and is currently co-chaired by Representatives Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). But, here's the frightening part: Of the 20 standing committees of the House, 11—more than 50%—are chaired by members of the CPC! That, Folks...Is a Problem!

In Florida, our very own Corrine Brown is a member. So is Alan Grayson, and Alcee Hastings. [Toward the end of this, I'll tell you where to find a complete list of these scoundrels. Folks! EVERY ONE OF THESE MEMBERS MUST BE DEFEATED, BEGINNING IN 2010! They are responsible for much of the unconstitutional legislation that has been passed by Congress over the past century. We have an opportunity to put a stop to it--and we must--if we are to save our nation from further ruin!

Ok, we now know, Who They Are, How to Identify them, and We also know Where to Find Them. So now, what can we do about it?

First, get the list of Congressional Progressive Caucus members. You can probably find it by doing a computer search, but you can also go to the following blog site, which will have some additional info:

Next, determine if YOUR representative is among them. If so, resolve to actively oppose them. How? Contribute to their constitution-minded opponent. Or, become politically involved by volunteering your time to organizations with similar goals.

Then, determine if you have friends or relatives living within the districts of any of the others. If so, contact them and inform them about this issue. If you have the means, contribute there as well.

Then, since it's not enough to just fire these radicals, leaving a void, you must identify, encourage, and support Constitution-minded candidates to replace these Progressives.

Next, register to vote in one of the two main political parties, either Democrat or Republican. Do not complain about what's happening if you fail to do this. Libertarians, Independents! Moderates! Get off the fence and pick a side! This is too important for you not to.

Finally, Three words: Vote, Vote, Vote!

There is a lot more information on this topic and it is crucial that you are exposed to it, because the very fate of this nation may very well rest on how successful we are beginning this year. And success, in this case, begins with knowledge.

Please visit elsewhere on this site for more information and a list of members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Also, get online and do your due diligence. Find out everything you can about these Progressives, their agenda, and their plans for this nation.

The takeover of this nation by these Progressives has been a planned, gradual process...and they are currently ahead on points. They've won some major battles. But, what matters is who wins the war. WE CAN win this thing, but, in order to do so we must make huge strides in November and then again in 2012. At a minimum, We MUST take back the House and make major inroads in the Senate. If not, all may be lost.

That is why it has to be now, it must begin with us! With each one of you!

I began by asking the question, “What's wrong with America?” The answer: Nothing that a return to the principles espoused by the US Constitution and our other Charters of Freedom wouldn't fix. And we begin to do that by firing every Progressive in our Congress.

This is OUR government! We DON'T like what's being done to it! AND, WE WANT IT BACK!

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